Campus Crossing

Greensboro, NC

Campus Crossing


2813 ½ Spring Garden Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Overall Rating
Met My Needs
Overall value
Service Quality
93% 38 out of 41 renters
recommend this apartment.


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Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The leasing professional was super nice, and extremely knowledgeable. He answered my questions in scenarios which really helped me to understand.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The amenities of this property is the greatest and latest. Staff is pleasant to speak with.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The community was great and any college student would be happy to call the place home with all the amenities and the upgrades in the apartment.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

I would not recommend the property due to the lack of communication and lack of effort that was made to get to know my needs and those of my daughter, but the property itself was very nice and appealing.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The leasing agent's presentation was focused on providing me with outstanding details about my daughter's choices. She did not explain amenities but did tell me that the annex apartments did not have their own amenities, my daughter would come there for example to use the pool or clubhouse. I did not see much of the community, just the drive to the leasing center and leasing center but this was impressive.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

I would of rented this apartment for my son based on Brandon's presentation. He was very knowable and ensuring.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

I think this property should be considered by anyone going to school in the area. The rental rate is competitive. I was not shown all the amenities but was able to see that they had a swimming pool in the back of the office and some game equipment in the leasing center.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The clubhouse and amenities were fantastic for student housing. Everything was large and open making it easy for groups of students to participate. The property was in the middle of campuses along with the city.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

I thought how the leasing agent called me by my name was such a nice touch. He was very respectful and the fact that they gave out T-shirts was awesome. The community was very neat and the apartments looked awesome for student housing.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The leasing agent seemed knowledgeable, pleasant, and courteous. During the apartment tour, the associate describes several features and benefits of the community amenities and the apartment. The parking lot area, lawns and landscaping were clean and well maintained. The leasing office and vacant apartment was clean and tidy.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The community had an amazing clubhouse and amenities for the residents. The location was outstanding and the apartments had a home like feel to them.
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