Stonehaven South

Kansas City, MO

Stonehaven South


5600 E. 84th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 333-5710
Overall Rating
Met My Needs
Overall value
Service Quality
0% 0 out of 1 renters
recommend this apartment.



Slumlords! Landlord doesn't follow up on tenants complaints or have maintenances properly fix things in a timely manner. They will call you on the first if rents not paid but won't fix things for months at s time! I have photos of damaged to my apartment due to a flood, it took me yelling a the manager. In order to have someone come out and look and I mean only LOOK at the damages a week later. I have call the corporate office and no one returns calls or follows up on tenants complaints. They just call the apartment manager to let them know you've called with a complaint.