Sterling Arbor Blu

Ann Arbor, MI

Sterling Arbor Blu


624 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 761-8114
Overall Rating
Met My Needs
Overall value
Service Quality
67% 2 out of 3 renters
recommend this apartment.


Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The community itself was outstanding. The leasing agent provided a nice presentation. The price seemed outrageous.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

I am sure my son would love living there if he were a student looking for resident housing.

Apartment Review from an Independent Evaluator

The community is very nice, I like that they are green and how the lights come on when you enter the room. They bring a lot of comfort and activity within the building so that students enjoy their home away from home. The leasing professional was good at explaining everything, and I could tell that there was a genuine concern for the students who live there. I would certainly recommend this community to students and their parents.