Citiscape at Essen

Baton Rouge, LA

Citiscape at Essen


5010 Mancuso Lane
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Overall Rating
Met My Needs
Overall value
Service Quality
0% 0 out of 1 renters
recommend this apartment.


Poor management

The initial experience at Citiscape began with maintenance issues. It took three times to fix toilet issues. The management and maintenance crew are horrible. The management will not answer any phone calls nor reply to any answering service beeps. The management will upfront lie to you about how they can not make decisions and every decision is left up to corporate yet will not give you the phone to contact the corporate office. The security gates never work, the trash at the dumpsters are always full and they are located at the very end of the complex. I would not recommend this place to anyone.